Kiran Pet Store in Banshankari

Kiran Pet Store

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puppy dog food

pedigree puppy food

Pedigree Puppy Dry Dog Food Food, Chicken & Milk

Pedigree Puppy Dry Dog Food Food, Chicken & Milk

See 5 signs of good health in just 6 weeks, a Pedigree assurance. Keep your pet dog healthy, active and happy with this protein-enriched meal with 20% protein and 10% crude fat because your growing dog needs 3 times the protein you need.

₹ 2070


Pedigree Puppy Dog Food - Milk And Vegetable

Pedigree Puppy Dog Food - Milk And Vegetable

Its main ingredients include milk, rice and vegetables which are perfect to provide your dog a good bone health, strong immune system, smooth skin and coat along with strong teeth. It provides a balanced nutrition and also ensures optimal digestion and will keep your dog healthy, happy and away from diseases.

1.2 Kgs

₹ 330

Pedigree Puppy Wet Dog Food, Chicken And Liver Chunks Flavour In Gravy With Vegetables

Pedigree Puppy Wet Dog Food, Chicken And Liver Chunks Flavour In Gravy With Vegetables

80 Gms

₹ 35

Pedigree Puppy Small Dog Dry Food, Lamb & Milk Flavour

Pedigree Puppy Small Dog Dry Food, Lamb & Milk Flavour

₹ 715


Pedigree Mother And Baby Dog Starter Nutri Defense With Milk

Pedigree Mother And Baby Dog Starter Nutri Defense With Milk

₹ 830


Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Small Breed Puppy 2 To 9 Months Dry Dog Food

Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Small Breed Puppy 2 To 9 Months Dry Dog Food

Professional dog food for small breed puppies Contains Vitamin E to support natural defence in puppies Contains quality proteins for healthy growth Prebiotics (MOS) help promote Digestive health in puppies Ideal for puppy dogs from 29 months Suitable for Cocker Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Pug, German Spitz & Beagle Contains Min. 28 percent Protein, Min. 15 percent Fat, Max. 5 percent Crude Fibre and Max. 10 percent Moisture Formulated by research done by the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition

₹ 1030


Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Dry Dog Food For Adult Small Breed Dogs 9 Months Onwards

Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Dry Dog Food For Adult Small Breed Dogs 9 Months Onwards

Professional dog food for adult small breed dogs Sodium Trypolyphosphate STPP supports dental health in dogs Extra Zinc, Omega 3 & Omega 6 ensures healthy skin and coat Prebiotics (MOS) help promote Digestive health in adult dogs Ideal for dogs from 9 months onwards Suitable for Cocker Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Pug, German Spitz & Beagle Contains Min. 20 percent Protein, Min. 15 percent Fat, Max. 5 percent Crude fibre and Max. 10 percent Moisture Formulated by research done by the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition

3 Kgs

₹ 980

Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Dry Dog Food For Lactating And Pregnant Mother And Pup 3 To 12 Weeks

Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Dry Dog Food For Lactating And Pregnant Mother And Pup 3 To 12 Weeks

₹ 3700


Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Lactating And Pregnant Mother And Pup 312 Weeks Dry Dog Food

Pedigree Pro Expert Nutrition Lactating And Pregnant Mother And Pup 312 Weeks Dry Dog Food

1.2 Kgs

₹ 520

Kiran Pet Store


03, 21st main road banshankari 2nd stage opp to Pizza hut near by b d a complex Bangalore 560070

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